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Envelope Options

Click2Mail offers the following envelope types for the assembly of your order. Envelope measurements are as follows.

#10 Envelope (dual window or open faced) - This option is available for all letter and certified letter orders, provided your printed document does not exceed the maximum sheet / page size for that product.  Letters in 8.5 x 11 and 8.5 x 14 are available in a dual window or an open faced envelope.

#10 EcoEnvelope - This option is used for courtesy reply letters.  

9" x 12" Envelope (flat) - this option is available for all regular mail orders (except postcards and self-mailer products) and for Certified Mail Flat orders.  You must select this option for all booklet orders.  Flat envelopes may be used for documents containing up to 28 printed sheets (28 single-sided pages or 56 double-sided pages).

6" x 9" Envelope - this option is available for Certified letters.  Letters sent in this envelope are folded in half instead of in thirds before insertion into the envelope.

If you have any questions, please contact Click2Mail Customer Support at 866-665-2787 or  Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM Eastern. 

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