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What type of images do you accept for EasyLetters?

You have the option to include a picture or some other artwork that will print on the top right of the first page and show through the window of the envelope in which your letter is mailed.

1. Choose a JPEG or JPG image.  There is a 5 MB file size limit.

2. The ideal image is 3 x 3 inches and 300 DPI (dots per inch).  Larger / smaller images are automatically resized to fit.

3. If you don't want to use an image, click "Add an Image" and select "No Image".  The default image is used if you do not upload an image or if you do not select "No Image".  The default image changes and will be visible in your proof and while you are adding your text and addresses. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carly Brown

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