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Standard Class / Marketing Mail

If your content qualifies and you are less concerned with delivery speed, marketing mail may be a great option for you.

  • What can I mail via Marketing Mail / Standard Class Mail?

    Mailers use USPS Marketing Mail to send: Printed matter, flyers, circulars, advertising. Newsletters, bulletins, and catalogs. Small parcels. Learn more here:

  • Standard Class / Marketing Mail Delivery Expectations

    USPS does not publish delivery standards for Standard / Marketing mail and nonprofit mail. USPS delivery times for Standard Mail are unavoidably inconsistant and can range from 3 to 30 days. Click2Mai...

  • Standard / Marketing Mail Class Description

    To qualify for lower postage rates, Marketing Mail (formerly Standard Mail) must conform to strict USPS criteria. In general, personal information may not be included in a USPS Marketing Mail mailpiec...