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Standard / Marketing Mail Class Description

To qualify for lower postage rates, Marketing Mail (formerly Standard Mail) must conform to strict USPS criteria. In general, personal information may not be included in a USPS Marketing Mail mailpiece. Content is restricted as defined in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) 243.2.0. Nonprofit rate mail is Marketing Mail.

Certain materials such as bills, purchase agreements, medical records, anything containing a social security number, and statements of account MUST be mailed via First-Class Mail. These materials are specifically defined in DMM Section 133.3. USPS inspects system-wide for content violations and ineligible materials are subject to additional charges and penalties. For more information on USPS mailing standards, please refer to the USPS’s DMM.

Delivery Expectations - USPS delivery times for Marketing Mail are unavoidably inconsistent and can range from 3 to 30 days. Reliable service standards are not available for Marketing Mail, please plan accordingly.

REQUIRED: I hereby certify that Marketing Mail submitted by me qualifies under DMM 243.2.0 criteria and I accept liability for any and all charges assessed by USPS for non-conformance, as well as all incurred production costs and all costs for reprinting my mailpieces should I choose to resubmit my mail at First-Class rates

To send your order using the Standard Mail Class postage you will need to select the Standard Mail Class when you configure your job.

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