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Unsubscribe from a Search or an Order

If you no longer want to subscribe to a search or an order, you'll need to unsubscribe yourself.

Log into Click2Mail.  Mouse over the Mailing List Services tab and click "New Movers" or "Prior Week New Movers", depending on the list type to which you are currently subscribed.

The mailing list center will open in a new window. Click "My Account".


To view a list of your subscriptions, click "Subscription Orders".


A list of your current subscriptions will be displayed.  Locate the subscription you want to unsubscribe from and click "Unsubscribe".


A message from the webpage will pop up asking you to confirm your decision.  Click "OK" to confirm.


You will be removed from the subscription.

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  1. Carly Brown

  2. Posted
