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Learn about Click2Mail's MailJack+

Learn more about MailJack+, powered by Click2Mail.

  • Download Tracking from MailJack+

    Click here to view a video that shows you how to download tracking from MailJack+. After logging in to your account, click View History under the MailJack type you used to send your mail. Locate the b...

  • First Page Constant

    A first page constant is located in the same exact physical location on the first page of every document in a file. It is used to separate documents in a large multi-page file.  The first page constan...

  • How much is MailJack+?

    MailJack+ is free. You only pay for what you mail....

  • MailJack+ PDF to a List: User Notes

    The document and list must share the same name. For example: Invoice0620.pdf Invoice0620.csv...

  • MailJack+ Best Practices

    Here are a couple things to watch for when you submit MailJack+ jobs. Note unmailable addresses on the parsing results page. These addresses need to be corrected or omitted. They cannot mail. Confirm ...

  • Generate PDFs on a MAC that will work with MailJack+

    The Apple OS-X Macintosh operating system uses a PDF generation method that in not compatible with MailJack Plus.  When defining the location of the address when creating a MailJack Plus template, the...

  • Delete MailJack+ Template

    To delete a MailJack+ template, log in to and access your account dashboard by clicking My Account, located in the upper right hand corner of the website. Job templates will be loca...

  • Create a MailJack+ Mail Merge Template

    Click here to view a video that shows you how to create a MailJack+ mail merge video. Introduction MailJack Plus (MJ+) is a powerful tool for creating and managing mail merge templates. These template...

  • Create a MailJack+ "PDF to Address List Template"

    Click here to view a demo that shows you how to create a MailJack+ PDF to Address List Template....